Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tree Trimming Traditions

I strive to avoid Black Friday shopping, and instead, I spend the day at home decorating our house for the holidays. This year, I have two Christmas for our family ornaments (those that have been passed down, and we buy new ones for us and the dogs each year) and one for my growing collection of snowmen/women ornaments. I'm in charge of getting the trees up, lights on etc. Then, when hubby gets home from work, we put the ornaments up together (with a great deal of help from the dogs).

As we prepare to decorate this year's tree, we can't help but think about next Christmas! Emmalyn will be nearly a year old when we decorate, and though she can't help much, she will get to help decorate our trees. Steve and I can't wait to help her put her "Baby's First Christmas" ornament on the tree!

Someone commented that we should enjoy our last 'kid-free holidays.' We are truly enjoying them because everything we do, we think "next year, Emmalyn will be with us"...and we can't wait!

Friday, November 25, 2011

A few E-bay sales to help raise funds!

I have listed several items on e-bay to help our fundraising efforts. Please check them out, and please bid!

Thank you!

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Nursery

Yesterday (Sunday), the Bears played at 3:15, and I was up early. Something came over me, and though I planned to work on finishing the nursery over Christmas Break, I accomplished quite a bit in getting the room ready for Emmalyn.

The bassinette is ready, the changing table we got from a friend has been refinished, the rocking chair is in place and the clothes that our cousin gave us have been sorted and folded. We've decided to decorate the nursery with teddy bears. This works because hubby and I are Bears and Cubs fans (yes, I know...but we are still fans!), and these two teams fit perfectly with the decor!

The other day, I found a beautiful silver teddy bear picture frame with the opening for the photo in the bear's belly. This is where we will put a picture of Birthmom...or as the baby will know her, Bellymom...and it will sit on a shelf near the crib.

On the wall behind the rocking chair is a stencil that I found on ebay of the lyrics to "Golden Slumbers" by my favorite band, The Beatles: Golden slumbers fill your eyes / Smiles awake you when you rise/ Sleep pretty darling do not cry / And I will sing you a lullaby.

As the nursery comes together, I realize more and more how close we are to bringing our daughter home. What we thought would forever be an "extra bedroom" or a "home office" is now, officially, our daughter's nursery, and I cannot express how wonderful that is.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Last hurrah

This week was my last hurrah for the next 50 years. I attended the National Council of Teachers of English Conference in Chicago, my last conference before Emmalyn arrives. I truly enjoyed exploring, listening to colleagues' sessions, meeting famous authors such as Tim O'Brien, and meeting many wonderful new friends.

Some might think I sound disappointed that this was my last baby-free conference, but I'm not. In April, I get to take Emmalyn with me to my favorite conference that I have been attending for the last seven years and for which I am on the planning committee. The "conference regulars" and committee members are my friends, and I am honored that they have already volunteered to watch Emmalyn while I present (they didn't even ask if I was bringing her...there is a whole generation of "Allerton Kids" who come with their parents each year, and they knew Emmalyn was coming with me).

So, I am glad I had a wonderful time at my last "child free" conference, but I am even more glad that my next conference will be one where I not only get to see my friends and colleagues from around the state, but that I also, FINALLY, get to introduce MY "Allerton Kid."

Monday, November 14, 2011

No words

There are just no words to describe how amazing it is to see our daughter moving around and kicking on the sonogram screen.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Meeting with Attorney

On Friday, Hubby, Birthmom, Birthgrandma and I met with the attorney handling our adoption. He is a kind and gracious man who has adopted his own children. In many ways, he seemed to understand mine and hubby's heartache and eagerness to be parents after so many failed attempts. He even graciously agreed to take payments because we have not raised all the money we need yet (no other attorney in town who handles adoptions would even consider this).

Everything seemed to go perfectly well, except we finally faced the fact that we have to deal with Birthfather now. Our attorney noted that if Birthfather does not sign the papers within 30 days, then his paternal rights will be automatically terminated, and he has no recourse. We pray this is the case.

Other than this snafu, we are very happy with how things went as are Birthmom and Birthgrandma. We are joyously counting the weeks until our daughter is in our arms, and our family is complete.

Hubby finished our baby's changing table's absolutely beautiful. We cannot wait until my semester ends, so we can finish our daughter's nursery. Our daughter...I just can't seem to say it enough.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Our daughter, Emmalyn Ann due to arrive at the end of January. We are over the moon with joy!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A gaggle of nerves

Sometimes I think I'm going to explode from all the emotions I feel. I just keep reminding myself that soon, I will have my baby in my arms.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The next two weeks

In the next two weeks, we will be meeting the attorney handling our adoption, and we get to find out the sex of the baby.

Everyone asks if we want a boy or a girl...the truth is, we don't care. I don't dream of baking cookies with a girl...I dream of making cookies with my child. Hubby doesn't dream of playing catch with a boy...he dreams of playing catch with his child. We both dream of rocking our baby to sleep, reading bedtime stories, making cookies, going trick-or-treating, and opening presents on Christmas morning with our child.

These next two weeks truly start the countdown for us until we bring our baby home.

One thing is for certain, this baby will never lack for love.