Saturday, February 4, 2012

She's here!

Emmalyn Ann 7:34 a.m. February 4, 2012 9 lbs 12 oz 21 1/2 inches Birthmom was wonderful! Baby is perfect. The most amazing day of my life!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Another false alarm...

I thought for sure Tuesday we would not be running to the hospital for baby. I even made plans to attend a meeting and get things taken care of at school. Inevitably, in the middle of my last class, Birthmom's mom called, and I dismissed my class and excitedly called my husband as I ran back to class to drop off my books. In a panic, I told my friend what I needed done, and ran out the door to meet my husband who was nearly there. We tore off to the hospital, excited that our daughter was finally going to make her way into this world. As we ran into the hospital, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief that I was finally going to be a mom! Birthmom was having pretty good, steady contractions for awhile. The doctor thought Birthmom might be in the very early stages of labor, but she was still dialated at 1 cm, and she suggested Birthmom walk the halls to help the labor progress. So, off we went...Birthmom waddling in the middle, her mom on one side, hubby on the other, and me bringing up the rear to catch her if she swayed backwards. Our hospital here in town really sucks because the maternity wing is small, so the hallways are short, but we did our rounds about 10 times before Birthmom needed to rest awhile. More good contractions followed, but after another check, Birthmom had not dialted any more. So, we waited and waited and waited and nothing. We asked the nurse about starting induction because this weas getting to be too much, and she actually said they don't induce after 11:00 a.m.! Are you fucking kidding me? To add to that, the next nurse said they don't induce after 10:00 a.m., so clearly no one really knows what is going on up there. The nurse came in to discharge us, but we all agreed that we wanted to speak to the doctor because Birthmom was in so much pain and was just ready to have this over with. Doctor was in surgery, so we waited an hour, and another nurse came in to try and discharge us again. We demanded, once again, to see the doctor and were honestly agitated that they kept trying to push us out of the room! Finally, the doctor came in and explained that induction was a bad idea at this stage, and that we just needed to wait it out and come in Wednesday for our regularly scheduled appointment.