Sunday, January 22, 2012

Waiting why not redecorate?

I can't decide if I'm patiently or impatiently awaiting Emmalyn's arrival. Somedays I feel at peace knowing she will be here soon...other days, she can't get here soon enough. Hubby and I noticed last night how much our house has changed in preparation for our daughter's arrival.

The nursery was once my home office which held a gigantic solid oak desk with hutch that weighed about 200 lbs. That desk now resides at Uncle Bill's house. The printer, desktop computer, and bookshelves have all found new homes as we transitioned to laptops only.

The dining room, once my craft room/office when I was sick of the office/open area just to sit and enjoy space/gathering room for friends who visit is now filled with baby accessories. My mom, always the bargain hunter, snagged a brand new infant swing, bouncy chair, high chair and pack-n-play at a discounted rate that would make my Goodwill Goddess friend scream. These items now grace our dining room along with the extra bouncy chair and pack-n-play for Mom's house.

The kitchen will soon have a few new items--a bottle steralizer, drying rack, baby water, formula cans, and a baby bath until she gets older. There's an empty shelf in the refrigerator waiting to hold pre-made bottles for those late night feedings.

Our bedroom has been rearranged to make room for the bassinet our daughter will sleep in for the first few weeks she comes home. I finally gave in and put my summer clothes away even though I suspect Spring temperatures will take over this winter haze again soon. To make room for the bassinet near me, I moved my bookshelf to the other side of the room, so I will no longer be able to toss my book there when I finish reading at night--although I don't know that I'll get much reading done.

I have rearranged, redecorated, cleaned, dusted, wiped down, vacuumed and done it again. My nesting instinct has kicked in full force, and even Hubby is wondering what is wrong with the usually less than domestic, career focused me.

In October, I marveled at how little time we had to prepare for baby. Now I anxiously await for my little stinker who has made my heart leap out of my chest with excitement, given me heart attacks galore, and filled my life with such joy, peace and love I cannot describe.

So, Emmalyn...your room is ready, the house is ready, and we are more than ready for you to make your entrance into this world. Please come soon!

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